Microwave (1, 8, 15)- The most basic of all Plymouth weapons.
Essential in a rushing game.
Electro-Magnetic Pulse (2, 9, 16)- Widely used electronic
warfare weapon.
Stickyfoam (3, 10, 17)- The most basic of all Plymouth
gernade-loaded weapons. Most commonly used nuisance/area weapon.
Although it does minimal damage, it can be used to stick
unsuspecting vehicles next to a guardpost, slow down ore hauling,
defending colonies, and dislocating other vehicles.
Starflare (4, 11, 18)- Explosive charge. Can be used, but
often neglected, in a tactical situation. When combined with
EMPs, Flares can often destroy or damage multiple vehicles.
Rocket Propelled Gernade (5, 12, 19)- Common ore range weapon.
Like its Eden counterpart, Rail Gun, it is often unreliable.
Research Supernova to upgrade the damage inflicted for this
Electro-Static Gernade (6, 13, 20)- Multple mine projectile
system. Commonly used nuisance/area weapon. Main drawback is that
it doesn't affect buildings. Excellent weapon when a retreat is
in order.
Supernova (7, 14, 21)- Starflare on steroids.
Basic Tips
Plymouth excells at dislocation and having nuisance weapons.
Low-mark game: Use stickys as nuisance and dislocating.
Microwaves/RPGs and EMPs as a rush.
High-mark game: Try not to use Stickfoam and ESGs in the same
echelon. Use combined-arms or force dichotomy strategy. EMP
missles give you added dislocating, time or maneuver advantage.